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Catch up on the latest information and tips on car insurance. From car maintenance, road safety to getting additional savings and more!


Preparing your car for a road trip | DirectAsia Insurance

9 Minute read
Road trips are a special way to travel. They test your patience and endurance, but also reward you with unforgettable...

Tips on preparing for your driving exams

8 Minute read
After spending hundreds of dollars on theory and practical driving lessons, students must face one last obstacle before...

Car Rallies In Asia | List of Car Rallies In Asia | DirectAsia

9 Minute read
So you’ve done the Great Ocean Road in a four-wheel drive and seen all of New Zealand’s South Island in a campervan...

Mistakes to avoid in a car insurance claim - DirectAsia.Com

7 Minute read
It is against the law in Singapore to drive a motor vehicle without a valid insurance policy to cover third party...

New Vehicle Emissions Test Standard | DirectAsia Insurance

6 Minute read
Every year, more than 7 million people suffer premature deaths due to air pollution. Although Singapore has generally...

Know Lemon Law of Used Cars - DirectAsia Insurance

7 Minute read
In the 1960s, cars that were revealed to have manufacturing defects were called “lemons”. The term has endured over the...

How Gender Affects Car Insurance Rates

6 Minute read
While there are several ways to lower the cost of your car insurance, legally changing your sex isn’t one that comes to...

How to avoid getting scammed when buying parallel import cars

7 Minute read
Parallel importers eliminate third-party dealers by importing directly from the country of origin of the vehicle—for...

Questions to ask when buying a second-hand car

9 Minute read
Buying a second-hand car comes with a lot of uncertainties. You don’t know how much wear and tear the car has...

How much is it to tow a car from a highway?

7 Minute read
While any car trouble is an inconvenience, these things seem much worse when they happen along a highway. If there’s...

How to know when your car workshop is fleecing you

8 Minute read
Living in one of the world’s most expensive places to own a car , it’s no big surprise that we Singaporeans tend to take...

How far will your car insurance take you?

7 Minute read
If you’re the type of traveller who enjoys an hours-long road trip, you probably place as much importance on the journey...

Evolution of COE trends from 2018 to 2019 - DirectAsia

6 Minute read
With limited road space in Singapore, residents need to obtain a Certificate of Entitlement (COE) to own a vehicle. This...

Most fuel-efficient SUVs for the city - DirectAsia Insurance

7 Minute read
Have you always thought that going big means spending more? That choosing the space and comfort of an SUV means giving...

What type of car should a first-time driver get?

10 Minute read
So you’ve just gotten your driver’s licence—congratulations! Now it’s time to buy a car. This can be an arduous process...

Is there a time limit to making a car insurance claim?

7 Minute read
If you’ve been driving for a few years now, you may have experienced being in a car accident, or at least know people...

Will my car insurance or travel insurance cover me for a car accident in Malaysia?

7 Minute read
Malaysia continues to be a popular destination for Singaporeans—according to a report by Channel NewsAsia, former...

How to get NCD protection after making a claim - DirectAsia

6 Minute read
Most of us know that when it comes to vehicle insurance, the No-Claims Discount (NCD) is a good way to pay a lot less...