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Here’s what to do if you have a Car Accident - Expert Advice

If you’ve ever been involved in a car accident you’ll know how difficult it is to keep your focus and remain calm. Remembering what to do certainly isn’t easy.

do not panic in accident

With this in mind, we’ve put together some helpful tips and advice and we’ve kept it as short as possible so as not to overload you. This information is relevant to all drivers whether or not you’re insured with DirectAsia.com.

call your insurer

1. Call your insurer - In the event of an accident stay calm and make sure everyone is safe. Our Accident and Emergency Hotline open 24/7, If you're in Singapore, call 6532 1818, or if you're overseas, call +65 6603 3699.

do not discuss liability

Do not discuss liability.

check for any injured person

2. If I’m injured
 - See a doctor as soon as possible and get a medical report. Report the matter to the police. 3. If someone else is injured - Please do not attempt to move the vehicles or body. Call 999 immediately.

take photo or video evidence of accident

4. Get information
 - Take photos of the scene, including vehicles and damaged property before they are moved and video it if possible.

exchange particulars in event of accidents

Exchange name, NRIC/other identification numbers, address, phone numbers of: - drivers
- injured persons
- witnesses 
- passengers 
Also, please note the vehicle registration number and name of their insurance company, along with the exact location of the scene.

report accident within 24hours

5. Report accident
 - You are required by the General Insurance Association of Singapore to report your accident to us within 24 hours (or the next working day) even if you are not claiming on your own insurance or when there is no damage. If not, your No Claims Discount (NCD) may be affected and your claim may be prejudiced. In any case, we will help you report the accident when you call us.

don't sign any documents if unsure

6. Reporting to the police
 - You need to report to the police if:
- anyone is injured and a third party is involved, 
- a hit-and-run situation occurs or a government vehicle/property, foreign vehicle or pedestrian/cyclist is involved.

call for insurer's towing services if required

7. Accidents outside of Singapore
 - Make a police report in the country the accident or loss occurred and do so within 24 hours. If you need towing, we can help arrange that. You will need to pay the service provider and you can claim it back on your policy, up to the specified amount, when you return to Singapore.

Find out more about GIA Motor Claims Framework