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Tips on saving on online shopping | DirectAsia

Quick, simple and often cheaper into the bargain, online shopping is a good deal. It is shopping made easy from the comfort of your own home, no pushing your way through a crowded street or standing in line to pay. Save money when you shop online The internet has changed our shopping habits for the better, here’s why you should try it: 1. Click and Save You only have to buy your first book from Amazon to know how much cheaper online shopping can be – it cuts out the middleman and takes you straight to the seller. That’s why you get a better insurance deal with Direct Asia, like the name says – we sell direct, you don’t get charged agency fees and you can save up to 40% on commission by buying online. 2. Sit Back and Relax  Where else can you shop in your pajamas? Plus you get to shop any time you like and be done in minutes. No trawling for a parking space, no waiting for someone to help you. Mall shopping is great when you have time to browse and maybe meet a friend for lunch, but how much easier to stay home and compare prices this way? If, like me, you have tried to combine Mall shopping with small children, you will know why I like to shop online. 3. Compare and Share  Not only do online shops offer a variety of products you will not find in a Mall but you can also make price comparisons, review and share product information. You benefit from the firsthand experience of others who have used the product or service you want to buy. 4. No Impulse Purchases  How many times have you come home with something that caught your eye rather than just the item you went for? This is because Malls are designed to get you to part with your cash. By shopping online, you cut down on opportunities to be tempted by that ‘other shop’, plus you definitely spend less than you would eating at home rather than at the Mall! 5. Go Green Online shops give you the opportunity to leave the car at home, and, if you are buying books, you can often download them rather than take delivery of a physical product.  Less car fumes, less paper, happier planet. So whether you are thinking about a big purchase like a condo or maybe an extra-special gift for someone you love, you are only a couple of clicks away from finding what you need. No hassle, no sore feet, no shopping bags or crowded lifts to contend with. Have you tried it yet? Let us know what you think.