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Safety driving tips for Pregnant Drivers | DirectAsia


Pregnant women are given a lot of restrictions when it comes to activities such as scuba diving and cycling. One such activity often avoided by pregnant women is driving. Driving while pregnant is often a taboo subject but most experts agree that driving during your pregnancy is safe. However, there are still some precautions pregnant women should take when driving. In this blog post, we are giving you some car safety tips for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

1. Drive carefully


   If you were used to driving fast before your pregnancy, it is best to slow down now that you are. Pregnant women in their first to second trimester may suffer from the occasional “pregnancy brain”. Pregnancy brain is caused by surging hormone levels. This makes it difficult for pregnant women to multitask and it also makes it harder to focus. This can pose as a serious risk when speeding and tailgating. This is why it is crucial to watch the road when driving.

2. Wear a seatbelt

seatbelt-over-your-belly   However inconvenient it may be, seatbelts are a necessary precaution for you. By wearing the seat belt correctly, you can potentially save you and your baby from serious injury. How do you wear a seat belt with your growing belly? Secure it under your belly and comfortable on your hip bone. Do not put the seat belt over your belly. In a collision, the impact can cause placenta abruption.

3. Avoid distractions at all costs

phone-significant-distractions  Pregnant drivers should avoid using their phone while on the road. Talking and texting on your phone are significant distractions that can hinder your attention on the road. Distractions such as using your phone require the visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the pregnant driver, which are all essential for safe driving. Keep your eyes on the road.

4. Listen to your doctor


  Women with a high-risk pregnancy must avoid driving at all costs. Physicians often recommend that pregnant women avoid driving if they suffer from high blood pressure. Since driving can get quite stressful, there is a risk that you may suffer from poorer pregnancy health and your baby may suffer from developmental problems. Plus, your car insurance in Singapore can invalidate a claim if your physician advised you to avoid driving.

5. Stay comfortable

You must stay comfortable when driving. Often times, pregnant women suffer from swollen feet and ankles during their third trimester. This is due to poor blood circulation. When driving long distances, make sure you have enough room to stretchKeep a small pillow to support your back to avoid aches and pains when driving.

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